The Italian learner starter kit


Raise your hand if this resonates with you:

“I’d love to speak Italian, really. It’s just that I don’t have time, you know. I heard it’s difficult for us English speakers, it’s so different. Grammar is a nightmare, all those verbs and gender, and number, too many things to keep in mind. And I don’t think I’m good at languages, my mum told me so. I don’t know, I like it but. Maybe I’ll start next year.”

Now put that hand down and type your email below. I’ll tell you exactly what to do to start now, plan over a month of bite-sized classes, feel proud of your Italian. Even if you don’t have time, even if you think you’re not good enough, even if you feel hopeless.

It’s just a click, but it will open a new (Italian) world for you.

Are you in?

What's in the kit?

Sometimes what you need before making an important decision is getting clear on your priorities and use some extra motivation.

I’ve been there before, and I hope I can help you getting over your fear of making the first step.

In the Italian learner starter kit you can find my advice on what to know before starting and some of my favourite motivational quotes to fuel your passion for Italian! 

You will also receive a few emails that will help you find your why and plan your Italian language experience.

What else do I get as a subscriber?

About twice a month, I send an email with language learning tips, Italian grammar worksheets, blog updates, free printables and lessons.

Extra bonus: discounts, special offers and bundle packs will be sent to you first!

As a subscriber you also receive free resources that won’t be available on the site or Italearn’s social media like the infographics below:

Italian planner 2019 -

Italian planner 2019

This is a notebook/planner that you can download and print (there is also a print-friendly version in the Library). Three pages to plan your Italian learning by setting an intention and tracking your progress.

Impersonal verbs

On this subject there are 2 infographics available and two worksheets with extra examples.

How to ask questions in Italian

With this infographic you can learn the many ways there are in Italian to ask a question.

How can you get the Starter kit?

The free “Italian learner starter kit” is now only available in the private Library of resources. Access to the Library is free forever for all subscribers.

If you would like to join our community of passionate Italian learners, you only need to sign up using this form — on your right if you’re reading from a computer, below if you are reading from your phone!

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